Prime Video, India’s most-loved entertainment destination, today announced the global premiere of its comedy-drama Tiku Weds Sheru. Directed by Sai Kabir Srivastva, the movie features a never-before-seen Jodi of prolific actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui and rising star Avneet Kaur in lead roles. Produced by Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika Films, this is a quirky story of love and passion fueled by the eccentricity of Tiku and Sheru, a couple with contrasting personalities, who stand the test of time in pursuit of their dreams. Tiku Weds Sheru will exclusively premiere in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide on June 23.
“Comedy dramas are a sheer joy to watch, they take you through a wheel of emotions. Tiku Weds Sheru will not only leave people with exuberance and merriment with its carefully crafted characters but will also keep them invested in this heartwarming story of shared passion,” said Aparna Purohit, head of India originals, Prime Video.
She further added, “We are delighted to partner with Kangana Ranaut's Manikarnika Films for this lilting comedy-drama about dreams, passion and transformation - a fun-filled ride brought to life by Avneet and Nawaz, who play Tiku and Sheru, respectively. We are confident that the film will resonate with audiences across the globe.”
???????? save the date for the wildest wedding of the year as Tiku & Sheru take you on their roller coaster journey filled with mischiefs, and laughter! ????#TikuWedsSheruOnPrime, June 23@Nawazuddin_S @iavneetkaur #SaiKabir @ManikarnikaFP @KanganaTeam — prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) June 12, 2023
“Tiku Weds Sheru is a very special film for me, as it’s the first title under Manikarnika Films. This is the first time I took charge as a producer and I absolutely enjoyed the process. It was a challenging-yet-enriching experience for me,” said Creative
Producer Kangana Ranaut. “My team and I are delighted to partner with Prime Video and take our film to viewers across 240 countries and territories worldwide. The film is directed by Sai Kabir Srivastva, and it features the very talented actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Avneet Kaur, who is all set to make her debut in films, as a lead actor. I hope the audience will shower love in the film.
Also Read: BREAKING: Kangana Ranaut’s production and Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer Tiku Weds Sheru to release directly on Amazon Prime Video
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